Roger Rabbit This serial number is licensed for ^0 copies. )… Custom Size ( Custom Size… Dump Relation Info… Dump Collection Info… A reference to '^0' has been deleted from Query '^1'. AutoSave enabled may improve performance for the loading of large files. Save Template template format change Find and Post All Post All Revert Delete Decrement a value by the entry value. Subtract entry value from a value. Insert only in a record being CREATED. Insert in a record being CREATED or MODIFIED. Add entry value to a value. Increment a value by the entry value. Option 4 Option 3 Option 2 Option 1 Option 0 P# Dumping Printing Data Entry Post Every Posting Show Posting Showing Posting Copy of An Index built on the ^0 '^1' in the Relation '^2' could improve performance. Backup of Save & Log… /Y There ^0 currently visiting the Collection. Structure for '^0' occupies ^1K on volume '^2'. ^3 Data changes are being logged on '^0' which occupies ^1K on volume '^2'. Data changes are not being logged. Collection '^0' occupies ^1K on volume '^2'. ^3 Logfile for Save & Stop Logging Find All I don't know your user name. Your user name is '^0'. Quit quitting Verify many Delete data from which Relations? Delete this record from '^0'? Delete ^0 ^1 from '^2'? records record Full Mode Find and Print All… Printing Forms Load Loading Data Dump Dumping Data Cancel Canceling Quick Query Also use: < > = Is Found Within Contains Starts with Helix Custom Help preset presetting posted values Helix Help Clear Form Clearing Find Finding Show Selection Showing Selection Close closing To text file: Clipboard Hide FreeMem Show FreeMem ⌃ Accessories Custom Help Help Why? (- Show Form A reference to an Abacus in the Template '^0' in Relation '^1' has been deleted. Replace Enter Dump All… Print… Close Collection Find and Print All… Print Form… Print Template… Print Paged… Print Scaled…